Chief Nurse

Welcome from Trish Bennett, Chief Executive Officer (designate)

Dear Candidate 

Thank you for your interest in Mersey Care NHS Foundation and in this unique and exciting Executive position on our Board. I hope you will enjoy exploring this microsite to discover more about our journey, vision, our Just culture, our achievements and our commitment to the people that we serve. 

As the new Chief Executive of Mersey Care, I am proud to lead one of the largest trusts providing both mental and physical health services across England. With an annual income of over £750m, we employ over 11,000 dedicated staff serving more than 1.4 million people. We operate across over 230 sites with a vast range of services including specialist inpatient and community services that support physical and mental health and specialist inpatient mental health, learning disabilities, addictions and brain injuries services. We are also one of only three trusts in the UK that provide high secure mental health facilities. 

We are at a significant moment in our journey, following a period of rapid growth. Now, we are focused on consolidating the delivery of our services to ensure they remain accessible, effective, and efficient. We are dedicated to working closely with our frontline staff, partners, service users and patients to integrate services and tackle health inequalities across the region. 

The role of the Chief Nurse is a crucial voting Board position and will play a central role in continuing to develop our Just Culture and in all of our corporate decision making.  We are seeking an innovative, inclusive, and credible leader who will inspire our workforce and contribute to improve outcomes and experiences for both patients and staff.  

We hope this site gives you a sense of our passion, our commitment to our Just Culture, and our mission: “To lead the way in perfect, whole person care that helps people of all ages live healthier lives.” 

I also would encourage you to contact our recruitment partners at GatenbySanderson to discuss your interest further. Please contact 

Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to exploring your potential to be part of our journey at Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust. 

Trish Bennett, Chief Executive Officer (designate)